I'm Chelsea. 

i'm a twenty-three-year-old college student who currently resides in the tiny college town of Tiffin.

+I'm blessed with a wonderful boyfriend whom I live with and love dearly.
+I love art, science, music, autumn,  and my job as a pharmacy technician.
+I love over-priced fancy coffee drinks, road trips, friends, laughs, and movies.
+I love books much too young for me ( the Percy Jackson Series, the Georgia Nicholson series, HP,  etc.)
+I love painting nails, shopping, clothes, anything girly and pretty. 
+I love my old lady hobbies of crochet, knitting, and anything crafty.

-I dislike rude people, academic tests, salt, mustard, and pretty much any condiment in a large quantity. 
-I dislike snow, being cold, passively aggressive people, school tuition and debt.
-I dislike messy rooms, dirty dishes, and folding my boyfriend's socks.

~I am a geek, dork, nerd, etc.
~I am a pizza connoisseur 
~I am ADD and most people catch onto that fairly quickly.
~I am a hippie of sorts.
~I am a college graduate. I have a BCJ and this May I'll have a BS (both, cum laude) 
~I am awkward. A-W-K-W-A-R-D.  I'm clumsy, and can't handle crowds.
~I am claustrophobic,  agoraphobic, and am one of the lucky few adults that still have chronic nightmares.
~I am a pretend-yogi. AKA someone who's never taken a yoga class but attempts to practice yoga.
~I am an awful cook, but I'm changing that while simultaneous learning how to live healthier. 
~I am a DIY addict. I would much rather make something myself on the cheap then waste my money.

Thanks for stopping by my cyber-journal. Feel free to laugh and enjoy my awkward stories/misfortunes as if they were your own. ☮ ❤ :]



I use to blog for my business- "chelseaMADE" a handmade accessories line. However, a few months ago I discovered my business name had been stolen and licensed by another women, and even more recently, by a second....the business has been put completely on hiatus until I can determine where to go from here. It was a hard decision to put everything on hold, but at this point I feel as if I don't have a choice. 

For the time being it is for the best, somewhere along the way,  the store's blog had turned into my venting ground for bad days, my space for bragging when school, or my family made me proud. It turned into a blog for myself, when that was never my intentions. When school and work got in the way of store, posting about the actual business became few and far between.  So this past winter when I decided to put everything on hold, I discovered it was easier to take a break from the business, than it was from blogging.

I made a resolution to start a journal and keep with it. This was my temporary replacement, and as much as I love putting ink to an actual page, I miss the community aspect of blogging. I miss the ability to put my goals and aspirations out for everyone to see and hold me accountable to.  I miss sharing my funny stories with someone besides Vincenso (the loving boyfriend), and I had missed reading everyone else's stories too. I missed my coffee date link ups, and having an excuse to take a picture for something other than Instagram.  I missed sharing the little boring aspects of my day, and my DIY projects, and my hopes and dreams with all of you. 

Maybe my dreams are a little too big for me sometimes, maybe some days aren't as bad as they seem to me, and maybe I don't have any place trying to make a name for myself blogging next to all the amazing bloggers I love to follow and read. No matter what, I know there's an amazing community of women bloggers out there that offer nothing but love and support to everyone who's willing to share their life with them, and I'm excited to be apart of that again.

☮ ❤ :]

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